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2 Articles


Heritage Report: Funding State Health Exchanges

Posted by Caleb Garrett on

The Heritage Foundation, a private research and education institute based in Washington, D.C., has released a new Web Memorandum that examines funding options for state health insurance exchanges. The memorandum, listed as Web Memo Number 1573 and authored by Greg D'Angelo and Edmund Haislmaier, was released July 30, 2007.

In "State Health Reform: How to Fund a Statewide Health Insurance Exchange," D'Angelo and Haislmaier explain that a health insurance exchange "…performs the administrative functions associated with individuals choosing and paying for health insurance within the context of employer-sponsored coverage…." This mechanism allows individuals to get health insurance under federal laws …


Turkish Coffee

Posted by Caleb Garrett on

Turkish coffee is one of the most popular Middle Eastern beverages, enjoyed by people in Arabic and Mediterranean countries for centuries. It is part of the culture, playing a role in ceremonies and expressing hospitality to guests in almost every Arabic home. It inspired the tradition of the coffee house, which is still a place that brings people together to gather and discuss events, or just to socialize.

Turkish Coffee Is Part of Arabic Society

Turkish coffee was first introduced to Turkey in the 16th century by Syrian traders. It is derived from the Arabica bean and is ground to …