
American Tea Party – Strawberry Jam and Muffins

Sweet red strawberries in season are loaded with mineral and vitamins. California produces over 80% of the strawberries consumed in the USA.

Strawberries are in season, these fruits are not only full of color, they are full of flavor and nutrients. Here in southern California the strawberry booths are up and loaded with the picks of the season. Did you know that California is the largest cultivator of strawberries with over 25,000 acres of land dedicated to the strawberries? Which is why California produces over 80% of the strawberries consumed in the USA.


Native to North America, the strawberry gets its name from the farmer’s practice of mulching the plant with straw. There are several folklore stories tying the berries to straw and somewhere along the line the name stuck to what we know today as “strawberry”.

Traces from Italy show the strawberry in existence as far back as 234 BC with European countries using them for medicinal purposes for treating digestive and skin conditions. It wasn’t until the late 1500’s that America found this fruit growing wild and early settlers made them part of their food staples.


Strawberries are known for being a good source of vitamins and minerals, having more vitamin C than most citrus fruits. They are high in fiber, folic acid, potassium and they are a natural antioxidant with only 50 calories to a cup, that somewhere between 8-10 strawberries.

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How many ways are there to enjoy strawberries? Here are a couple of favorites.

Strawberry and Champagne

It is said that strawberries bring out the flavor of the champagne, especially went the strawberry has had the chance to soak in the champagne. Pop a bottle, pour into a glass, drop a strawberry into the glass and set one on the rim as a garnish.

Strawberry Jam


  • 4 pints of strawberry – crushed
  • 5 cups of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. of lemon juice


Mix all of the crushed strawberries and sugar in a pot on high heat and bring them to a boil, stirring frequently. The sugar will start to liquefy and blend with the crushed strawberries. It should take about 25 minutes for the mixture to become translucent. Just keep stirring.

Pour the mixture into prepared jars leaving room about a ¼ inch from the top of the jar. The jam will thicken as it cools.